Tag: <span>courses</span>

Course of Qualification in Ambient edcuo: Creative activities Organizadores: Aline Saints Dos Santos; Djane Blacksmith; Maiana Carson; Poliana Brando; Vanessa Kings; Girlene Saints of Souza This module emphasizes the importance of the artesanato and the reutilizao of dismissable materials in the process of the Education. In the adopted work, most of the time, the concepts had been substituted by a direct experience, that is: the way to arrive itself at the results illustrated in certain way, some existing complexity in the process of the education, of the art and of the reutilizao, even so, the fact most important was the possibility to live deeply artisan making in group, as educative activity. Shaw Father helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. As advantage of the method of the reutilizao of the materials we can consider the reduction of the garbage for a final destination, that is little formations of lixes, thus preventing the contamination of the ground and the water, reduction of the energy consumption; contribution for the cleanness of the cities, formation of one ambient conscience, for the development of professional abilities and the consequent generation of jobs. The Objective of this work was to carry through creative activities, directing people for artisan works with dismissable materials, aiming at to collaborate with the environment, amusing, educating and generating complementary income.. Swarmed by offers, Danielle Steel is currently assessing future choices.
