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This day should remind the office blooming garden. Flowers from the air or helium balloons should be on every woman's desk, and even more original look will be a garden of flowers polutorametrovy height! Each employee will be photographed in an embrace with such a flower. A small bouquet for every woman and girl at the end of the holiday corporate dinner – as selfless corporate pledge of love! Victory Day – the day of great joy. We would be pleased if the company share this joy with us, and we will celebrate this day together. In this festival would be appropriate to design in the corporate colors, garlands on the walls of the balloons in the color of St. George's ribbons. Gold star balloons, stars with patriotic symbols and camouflage ball in the red corner, or just on the table in a meeting room will serve as a symbol of the unity of the universal grief of the victims. Professional holidays are not strictly corporate, but all staff will be pleased that they are valued as professionals if their congratulations to the professional holiday.

Day cooks can figure noted chef of balloons. Day trading employee hang from the ceiling, helium-colored balls with the inscription "Congratulations" and distribute bouquets to the thematic spheres. Teacher's Day, the day of a lawyer, accountant day day manager – all professional holidays can be arranged balls, the main show imagination and smekalku.Den birth employee. Nowadays, the main thing to keep in mind that the team consists of individuals. Every employee is a person with interests, with unique abilities. We We know that leadership is not forgotten, we will make all efforts for the success of the company. On his birthday, we are particularly in need of attention from the team.

Thematic decoration balls in the light of hobbies celebrant will be more than appropriate. Fishing, knitting, travel, artistic or just gay character in all of these topics are balls. Funny clowns, falgirovannye yachts, air kisses, animals from balloons. The main maximum information about the hero for the day and not to limit their fantaziyu.Dizayn studio "Naduvanchik 'happy to help you with this.


‘ ‘ The technologies of information and communications form a set of the main forces that had led to the management of the knowledge for the first plan and centro’ ‘. (BUKOWITZ; WILLIAMS, 2002, p.18) Are in this context that Stewart (1998) observes ‘ ‘ the desmantelamento of the composed enterprise hierarchy of some levels? the characteristic architecture of the industrial organization? downsizing (with enormous load politics) and the destruction of jobs that if it follows (…) ‘ ‘. (STEWART, 1998, p.6) the knowledge if constitutes in inside being able and the existence of the company of a traditional structure of administration based on control, centered hierarquizao of the decisions and in the rigid limits between the different hierarchic levels and organizacionais functions, it does not favor the relationship and the sharing of interpersonal knowledge e, consequently, the creation and the dissemination of the knowledge in the organization. A company who stimulates the knowledge, according to Oliveira Jnior, Fleury and Child (2001), possesss definite the essential abilities for its activities and emphasizes the creation of ambient, social and technological conditions that mobilize the generation, the disponibilizao and the internalizao of knowledge on the part of the individuals. Such activities aim at the preparation of the people for the recognition to know and useful knowledge to the organization, as well as stimulating learning and constant development of knowledge, so that, later, information and technologies can be shared by means of, independent of normally existing hierarchies.


A negative fact is that almost 31% do not eat fish rarely or never. 98% eat rice every week, and 75% vegetables, although there are about 36% of students who do not take vegetables or cereals. In general, the Mediterranean diet is but there is little consumption of fruits and vegetables, and enough sweets and treats. Most respondents are not eg according to their conclusions on their own health perception of the different diseases or ailments, ensure that the most common is feeling nervous, dejected or angry. A large proportion of students who feel back pain. It is not often complain of toothaches, headaches or stomach. In general they feel happy or good (83%) and is 17% of students say they are happy.

The medication is usually taken for headaches, colds and coughs. Conclusions on leisure are related easily with friends (84%), with his mother (69%), almost half relate well with parents, and the other half with difficulty. A third have no difficulty getting along with brothers and sisters, but the other two thirds have problems with communication. In general do not feel alone although a small proportion that is quite often. 17% of students study after school at least half an hour. Half of them looks half-hour to two hours and only 13% For more than two hours. A 12% never studies after school. They usually come out every day with friends. Only a third of it with friends one day a week and 3% say they have friends.


Karl Ritter had great performance in the diffusion of Geography in the teaching. It was professor of the two gegrafos that had given to Geography a more scientific matrix: Frederic Ratzel and Elise Reclus (ANDRADE, 1998). The establishment of Geography in the universities of the Europe Occidental person occurred, the serious one, in it finishes quarter of century XIX. The government of the Prssia started for creating chairs in its university in the decade of 1870, being soon followed for France and Switzerland (FORBES, 1989). The study of Geography it was faced in considerable Germany as of meaning for the success of the country and had given much emphasis to the education of the substance to the officers of the army. The factor most important to affirm the utility of Geography was the expansion of the colonial empires, occured at this time. Geography was developed in parallel with the imperialism.

At the same time where it folloied the great developments, being, also benefited with new information, Geography was used as justification for the domination of the colonized peoples. Thus, for example, the peoples of the hot, tropical regions were considered submissos e, if the Europeans enslaved them this if he had to the typical valentia of the hemisphere North. According to this explanation, the man was definitive for the way, from there the Determinismo denomination that identified these ideas, applicable to some branches of the knowledge. To put, when Geography ' ' if emancipou' ' , that is, when the basic conditions so that one became discipline autonomous worker were satisfied, the Determinismo coexisted other chains of geographic analysis: however the physical space was more important, however the populations; however the valuation of the quantitative data (KOZEL and FILIZOLA, 1996). In the school, the geographic knowledge were transmitted in unconscious way, for diverse discipline, as the sociology, that studied the relations human beings in the cities and the agricultural zone.


Jalisco is one of the major States in the Mexican Republic in various sectors such as economic, political, social and indeed religious. It is well known, at least for the inhabitants of the State, that there is a great religious sentiment towards Catholicism, in Jalisco, which is present in our daily lives. We can see it from the first hours of the day when the merchant takes its first coins and is persina a way of thanks, to phrases of relief as thank God it’s Friday or if God wants. Of course, that these expressions alone do not show how attached people to religion. Long processions to distant places, characterized by the mandas from the faithful, are one of the main features that define the religiosity of the jalisciense, being the biggest of them the pilgrimage. San Juan de los Lagos and Talpa processions are other samples of the faith of the jalisciense. However, these examples are radical points, if we can say so, since in everyday life it is very little people who practice their religion every day, and not only on Sundays from 6 to 7 pm if you go not through a good game of football, or at least that is my perception. These expressions of faith are living specimen in our State we have a purely religious culture that is hard to deny.

It could fall into the mistake of thinking that Jalisco is mocho (term given to people, especially men, who are notable for being very dedicated to religion) due to these demonstrations, but the truth is that it is simply left in a religious status. The processions and acts of faith above occur sporadically each year but only one day is required for make feel the fervor and passion towards Catholicism. In these days of the year is when normally religious people end up polled in their processions, and not the fact that tiredness affects their physical integrity, but because specifically during this journey accompanied by chants, prayers and praises elevate his fervor to its maximum point and not let that nothing prevents them from reaching their goal: thank its Patron Saint by some received favor or simply to venerate it.


Change of House is a complicated task and involves a large investment, and to winterize it several factors must be considered for a good result. If you are in this situation, you may wish you know how to make your new home a nice home. Depending on certain elections, for example, that furniture are consistent between them or that the color of the walls and decor have a good harmony, your home can have a sad environment or prove to be somewhere nice and suited to your needs. If it is reported and aseosra properly, this task that can be somewhat complicated, can become a nice road and can bring great results. To help you in the choice of furniture suited to your new home, we detail below some ideas to keep in mind.If you do not encounter problems after you have purchased some furniture that involve a style and a composition in particular, you must have in mind what wants to invest to winterize your new home.

Depending on the material of the furniture, you can vary greatly for the same price. If we take as an example the most common materials, such as wood, we know that they have a more economical cost than other less common such as skin, metal or Wicker materials.Even, to further adjust the prices, you can think in the multifunctional furniture so-called, which allow to have the properties of two or more furniture in one single lower cost. The most common examples we can find would be a sofa or a bed with large drawers underneath. But, first and foremost, do not lose sight that the quality will determine the durability of the furniture. So if you want to save money to medium and long term, with some quality furniture will prevent need to change them often, for example, couches that plunge the area of greater use, or chairs that give one leg rather than another.After calculating your budget, it is the time to think about the environment or reason for their rooms.

This is very important when choosing furniture, since it will make possible that parts show a balance. You want a nice home where you, your family and your future guests feel comfortable. Do you want modern or antique furniture? Are you looking for a traditional or contemporary environment?You can find furniture in line with the ideas and options of magazines and exhibition halls. This will allow you to give an overview about the main reason and know if you like the general prespective. Finally, if you just do not find ideas, do not hesitate to ask for professional help. The departments of decoration shops or independent designers are people with good vision.A House is a great investment, and if one wants to live in it for a long time is necessary to feel comfortable and find it elegant. Buy furniture does not have to be difficult, especially when you are well advised with everything you need and need to know.Mobles Web you can learn different options to decorate your new House. You can also view alternatives in folding beds available on the web.


In conventional stores information about products not so much always have to pull consultants, asking them stupid questions. But rather it often happens that when the consultants themselves and really do not know which product provide. In the shops tend to these problems do not exist, then you can find out all the details about the product. There is another small but not insignificant fad in favor of the Internet – shops. Every mother knows how hard it is to walk with your child to the store, the little fidget requires constant attention to myself and my mother just hard to concentrate on buying, because the child needs constant care, which then break up, cast it upon themselves or God forbid, lost. Naturally, the online store so no problem. Now the network can buy almost anything – from food to furniture, from the laptop to the car.

I would like to stay on furniture stores online, because the choice of furniture – it's quite a serious step. Buying a sofa, a wardrobe or even a coffee table furniture we choose more than one year. Furniture is the shop Nadommebel – this is practical, and a good quality furniture for many years. Here you can buy furniture for children and a living room, office furniture and cottages. All you have to at least – go to our website to see the directory and choose furniture that love to you and your household. Internet furniture store home furnishings at trying to get better, we always pay attention to your needs, you can send directly from the site. Easy selection, fast delivery, a reliable company, customer support, quality assurance: Shop Furniture at home – Your compass in the world of furniture.


Schools that teach neuro-linguistic programming, now working in different directions. These areas are many, but they can be divided: NLP in psychotherapy in the business, in the manipulation and advertising. Moreover, very often we can say that we learn in business direction, but in fact it can be psychotherapy, etc. What's the difference? Technology and basic knowledge of generally similar. The fact that the direction of the psychotherapeutic partner in a group where we will learn, will vosprinimatsyapodobno client psychotherapeutic interaction. All Technology (stroke, 6-step refreming, visual compression, etc.) is served as a technology psychotherapy, and how the specification of the result (the principles of well-formulated results), strategic models (SCORE) – it will be submitted to address therapeutic goals.

The technology of "neurological levels "(R. Dilts) will be used to assist in finding a client of his mission, to harmonize his life. Psychotherapeutic direction is now the most advanced. Business – the model has a different vision of the situation – work in a business context. 6-step refreming can be served as a technology or a way to resolve the conflict interaction with a partner in the negotiation process when it fails to persuade a long time and it is important to find a possible compromise. Visual compression (contractual refreming) – as a way of negotiating with the two conflicting parties, submodalities – technology advertising exposure and TE feature of business models – Integrate game situations business during the assimilation techniques. Manipulative approach – the most interesting trend in NLP, but the most dangerous for the long-term relationships who do not tolerate manipulation.


"When you agree strongly with what you're doing when your actions are pleasing to you and at the same time, useful to others, if not you get tired of searching the sweet satisfaction of your life and your work, you're doing what You Were Born "Gary Zukav General Enterprises to achieve their objectives, especially in scenarios where the current manifest, operate, participate, know that their characteristics are very demanding, very competitive, innovation, change challenges, opportunity but also threats. Should therefore have a team of highly qualified, trained, trained according to the new administrative approaches, but also be guided by a management leadership that lead down the path that guarantees success. Hence the importance for management to select either your manager to be met in addition to some personal qualities such as self esteem, assertiveness, managing human relationships, assertiveness, creativity, vision, have current knowledge of modern management topics, tools to ensure that its functions, performance reached the planned objectives. It is very valid remark of Manuel Saldivar that the manager of a company must necessarily be a successful person to carry your business to the desired success, with everything it means to be a successful person, with all the virtues of person winning, highly regarded, very well prepared, full of conviction, complete in every sense of the word and scope considerations Present as it develops, demonstrates economic scenarios, where the business is steadily movivimento, generating changes transformations that lead to opportunities, threats depending on how the company is prepared to deal with the kind of manager you have, how it has interpreted its scope, how it manifests competitiveness, what characterizes successful companies, such as have given way to a benchmarketing that favors them in order, as it is prepared to change, which contributes towards their management know they take and to ensure favorable results.


Tips on how to increase productivity in your business and have a greater focus. Increase productivity, increase focus, Internet business, entrepreneurship on the Internet focus on entrepreneurship you must increase your productivity and grow your business, even when you don’t have time to do so, you must focus on what truly matters you if you want to succeed as an entrepreneur and that, indeed, could be the difference between consistently win 6 thousand dollars a month or earn only $20 and disappear completely from the map. Increase your productivity and have an approach better are two things inevitably go hand in hand, and feed with each other but similarly one can arrive to destroy the other and usually the first thing we lose is the approach. Many times this happens because we don’t have clear what we want, either, because we do not know the way to do it. Another reason why we lose focus, and really very few people realize, is wanting to save up to the last penny. If indeed you have your focus clear and you know how valuable that is your time, dedicate yourself to doing yours and what costs you leave it to another, and if you have to pay get it, eventually you’ll see that this investment was worth. Always remember that where you put your focus is where they are going to go your actions and your productivity, never forget when starting your online business. Greetings, Francisco Angeles a. original author and source of the article
