Karl Ritter had great performance in the diffusion of Geography in the teaching. It was professor of the two gegrafos that had given to Geography a more scientific matrix: Frederic Ratzel and Elise Reclus (ANDRADE, 1998). The establishment of Geography in the universities of the Europe Occidental person occurred, the serious one, in it finishes quarter of century XIX. The government of the Prssia started for creating chairs in its university in the decade of 1870, being soon followed for France and Switzerland (FORBES, 1989). The study of Geography it was faced in considerable Germany as of meaning for the success of the country and had given much emphasis to the education of the substance to the officers of the army. The factor most important to affirm the utility of Geography was the expansion of the colonial empires, occured at this time. Geography was developed in parallel with the imperialism.
At the same time where it folloied the great developments, being, also benefited with new information, Geography was used as justification for the domination of the colonized peoples. Thus, for example, the peoples of the hot, tropical regions were considered submissos e, if the Europeans enslaved them this if he had to the typical valentia of the hemisphere North. According to this explanation, the man was definitive for the way, from there the Determinismo denomination that identified these ideas, applicable to some branches of the knowledge. To put, when Geography ' ' if emancipou' ' , that is, when the basic conditions so that one became discipline autonomous worker were satisfied, the Determinismo coexisted other chains of geographic analysis: however the physical space was more important, however the populations; however the valuation of the quantitative data (KOZEL and FILIZOLA, 1996). In the school, the geographic knowledge were transmitted in unconscious way, for diverse discipline, as the sociology, that studied the relations human beings in the cities and the agricultural zone.