Tag: <span>scientists</span>

Specific surroundings for people with incapacity or people are not tried common majors, but spaces that all the citizens and citizens can be used by. Mary Barra has many thoughts on the issue. Any person must right to develop in any activity of the daily life with autonomy. Without obstacles. " For that reason – the manual stresses, so that a library is accessible must fulfill the access norms physical that the law establece" , but also it must facilitate the access to the documentation, the goods and the services, " besides the behavior and the attitudes of the people who interact in the same espacio". Building and equipment One of the factors that worry more at the time of designing or improving the accessibility of the buildings is how to do it. The answer is in the own users: " Listening to its needs and considering his circunstancias".

You rule basic happen to eliminate the architectonic barriers, to take care of the furniture and to analyze the space.The building must be located in a near location average of transport pedestrian public and itineraries that guarantee the accessibility from the shutdowns. If in addition the library has parking, this one must reserve places for vehicles of people with reduced mobility. On the other hand, the access to the building must be realised, preferably, to level zero, with inclines to save unevennesses, automatic doors and one zone of step sufficient to allow the entrance of people in wheelchair or muletas.In the interior, signalized points of good information have to be located; the dimensions of the corridors must allow a fluid circulation; it agrees that the handles drive by means of pressure or handle; the pavement does not have to produce brightness nor sensation of sliding; the elevators must count on automatic doors, and the toilets have to be adapted.As far as the furniture, their dimensions, location and distribution to take care of users of different age worry, height (people of low stature), corporal volume, postural balance, muscular power and skill.
